BoundaryConditionManager for Unity

Not a very hard work, but is useful :slight_smile:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

namespace ImstkUnity
    public class BoundaryManager : MonoBehaviour
        public List<GameObject> bcObj = null;
        public bool hideMeshes = true;

        void Awake()
            foreach (GameObject o in bcObj)
                BoundaryCondition b = gameObject.AddComponent<BoundaryCondition>();
                b.bcObj = o;
                if (hideMeshes)
                    b.hideMesh = true;

Yea, that works, we have been moving away from using BoundaryConditions, as there are some instabilities when using them. Look at the Constraint classes to do the same/similar things ConstrainInSpace, ConstrainDeformables. Constraints are more stable in simulation than the boundary conditions

Sure, I will! iā€™m a little bit lost with some of the new scripts like this two or StrainParameter.cs. Maybe I should take a look to them.