Choosing the Correct Kitware Tool for a Medical Image Analysis Project: Advice Needed

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

As I work on a medical image analysis project, I would like some advice on which Kitware’s technologies would be best to use. I am working on a project that will segment and analyse 3D medical pictures, including MRI and CT scans, to track the evolution of tumours on patients over time. I’m trying to find some tools that can do the following:

Image Segmentation: It is the process of automatically or somewhat automatically dividing up medical images, with the goal of locating tumours and other abnormalities.

3D Visualisation: It is the process of using segmented photos to produce and work with 3D models that include elements like surface extraction and volume rendering.

Image Registration: It refers to methods for tracking changes over time by aligning photographs captured at different times.

Quantitative Analysis: Instruments that can extract texture traits, volume, and shape information from the divided sections.

Although I’m aware that Kitware has robust platforms like 3D Slicer, ITK, & VTK, I’m having trouble selecting which one or ones will work best for my requirements. In addition, if these platforms have any more modules or plugins that are very helpful for medical image analysis, please let me know.

Finally, I would be very grateful for any recommendations on pertinent guides, manuals, or online resources that could aid in my initial use of these technologies. C++ and Python programming are languages I know how to use, thus I have no trouble integrating or script with these snowflake technologies.

Thank you :pray: in advance.