is now being run on master
for SMTK and CMB. The CI build will fail if any warnings are made from it.
You can run it locally by doing -DCMAKE_{C,CXX}_CLANG_TIDY=$(which clang-tidy)
on the command line to tell CMake to build your code with clang-tidy
as well. Note that third party code is masked from this, so it will not use clang-tidy
(you can unmask it by removing the lines in thirdparty/CMakeLists.txt
if you’re interested). If you’d like to fix things locally, I recommend uncommenting the WarningsAsErrors
line in the .clang-tidy
file in the source tree, remove the masking check in the list and then build until it is clean. Without the WarningsAsErrors
line, you’ll need to make clean
to get the clang-tidy
output again (since the .clang-tidy
file changing doesn’t trigger a rebuild). Adding ;-fix
to the value will have clang-tidy
edit your code when it builds it (not everything is automatically fixable though).
The list of checks currently masked are:
Should investigate and fix or add a NOLINT
- bugprone-branch-clone
- bugprone-exception-escape
- bugprone-inaccurate-erase
- bugprone-incorrect-roundings
- bugprone-integer-division
- bugprone-misplaced-widening-cast
- bugprone-narrowing-conversions
- bugprone-sizeof-expression
- bugprone-string-integer-assignment
- bugprone-unhandled-self-assignment
- clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores
- clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.VirtualCall
- clang-analyzer-security.FloatLoopCounter
- clang-analyzer-security.insecureAPI.strcpy
- misc-redundant-expression
- misc-throw-by-value-catch-by-reference
- modernize-avoid-c-arrays
- modernize-loop-convert
- modernize-raw-string-literal
- modernize-return-braced-init-list
- modernize-use-auto
- modernize-use-using
- performance-inefficient-string-concatenation
- performance-move-const-arg
- readability-braces-around-statements
- readability-else-after-return
- readability-inconsistent-declaration-parameter-name
- readability-isolate-declaration
- readability-redundant-control-flow
Probably affects APIs:
- misc-non-private-member-variables-in-classes
- modernize-pass-by-value
- performance-unnecessary-value-param
- readability-const-return-type
- readability-convert-member-functions-to-static
- readability-non-const-parameter
Of interest, but probably not largely of interest to SMTK/CMB code:
- performance-type-promotion-in-math-fn
- readability-implicit-bool-conversion
- readability-magic-numbers
- readability-uppercase-literal-suffix
Should be fixed, but may be hard (needs more detailed analysis):
- clang-analyzer-core.CallAndMessage
- clang-analyzer-core.DivideZero
- clang-analyzer-core.NonNullParamChecker
- clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference
- clang-analyzer-core.UndefinedBinaryOperatorResult
- clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Assign
- clang-analyzer-core.uninitialized.Branch
- clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDelete
- clang-analyzer-cplusplus.NewDeleteLeaks
- clang-analyzer-optin.cplusplus.UninitializedObject
Unlikely to ever be fixed, but may be of interest:
- cert-*
- cppcoreguidelines-*
- google-readability-casting
- hicpp-*
- modernize-use-trailing-return-type
Masked due to generated code (updating VTK and/or ParaView necessary to unmask these):
- readability-named-parameter