Hi @johnt, after running the command, I get this:
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 tomas tomas 4096 Apr 11 12:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 tomas tomas 4096 Apr 4 14:36 ..
And the output from the cmake command is:
CMake Warning at superbuild/CMakeLists.txt:72 (message):
Forcing CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE to be ON as required by
-- found package: ace3p
-- found package: aeva
-- found package: cmb2d
-- found package: mb-docker
-- found package: modelbuilder
-- found package: truchas
-- found package: windtunnel
-- Default package: <none>
-- Determined source version for cmb: 23.01.100
-- Determined source version for smtk: 24.01.101
-- Determined source version for paraview: 5.11.0
-- Determined source version for vtk: 9.0.0
-- Enabling cxx11 for: eigen, nlohmannjson, pegtl, pybind11, smtk, smtkresourcemanagerstate
-- Enabling boost for: cmb, paraview, smtk, smtkresourcemanagerstate
-- Enabling eigen for: moab, smtk
-- Enabling zlib for: freetype, hdf5, libarchive, netcdf, paraview, png, python3
-- Enabling szip for: hdf5
-- Enabling hdf5 for: moab, netcdf, smtk
-- Enabling netcdf for: moab, paraview, smtk
-- Enabling moab for: cmb, smtk
-- Enabling nlohmannjson for: cmb, smtk
-- Enabling bzip2 for: libarchive, python3
-- Enabling png for: freetype, paraview, python3
-- Enabling ffi for: python3
-- Enabling sqlite for: python3
-- Enabling python3 for: cmb, pybind11, pythonsetuptools
-- Enabling freetype for: paraview
-- Enabling qt5 as requested.
-- Enabling paraview for: cmb, smtkresourcemanagerstate
-- Enabling pythonsetuptools for: pybind11
-- Enabling pybind11 for: cmb
-- Enabling libxml2 for: libarchive
-- Enabling libarchive for: smtk, smtkresourcemanagerstate
-- Enabling pegtl for: smtk
-- Enabling smtk as requested.
-- Enabling smtkresourcemanagerstate as requested.
-- Enabling cmb as requested.
-- Building projects: cxx11, boost, eigen, zlib, szip, hdf5, netcdf, moab, nlohmannjson, bzip2, png, ffi, sqlite, python3, freetype, qt5, paraview, pythonsetuptools, pybind11, libxml2, libarchive, pegtl, smtk, smtkresourcemanagerstate, cmb
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/tomas/test-cmb/cmb-superbuild