The idea is to provide ReferenceItem functionality similarly to discrete ValueItem in terms of optional children.
Review of Discrete Value Items
- The item Definition includes the following:
- A list of Item Definitions that represents the children items of the Discrete Item
- A mapping between the Item’s discrete values and subsets of the children items
- The set of active children corresponds to the current value of the discrete item
Extending this Functionality to ReferenceItem
- Assume that, similar to discrete ValueItem Definitions, a Reference Item definition would have a set of children Item Definitions.
- Similar to discrete Value Item, the ReferenceItem would contain a map. But in this case its a mapping between PersistentObject queries and subsets of the children items.
- The set of active children would correspond to which query in the map, the current item’s value matches.
So consider the following example:
- GenericMaterial
- LiquidMaterial : GenericMaterial
- SolidMaterial : GenericMaterial
- Void : GenericMaterial
Lets assume we have a Reference Item that can be assigned to GenericMaterial, but have the additional requirements:
- if LiquidMaterial - Additional children are:
- Initial Flow Rate
- Initial Temperature
- if SolidMaterial - Additional children are:
- Initial Temperature
- if Void - no additional children
API Changes
ReferenceItemDefinition (additions);
- setContinuousMatching(bool); // Should all conditionals be checked
- bool continuousMatching() const;
- std::size_t numberOfChildrenItemDefinitions() const;
- bool hasChildItemDefinition(const std::string& itemName) const;
- bool hasChildItemDefinition(const std::string& valueName, const std::string& itemName);
- bool addChildItemDefinition(smtk::attribute::ItemDefinitionPtr cdef);
- bool addItemDefinition(smtk::attribute::ItemDefinitionPtr cdef);
- template typename smtk::internal::shared_ptr_type::SharedPointerType addItemDefinition(const std::string& idName);
- int addConditional(const std::string& resourceQuery, const std::string& componentQuery, const std::vectorstd::string& itemNames);
- std::vectorstd::string conditionalItems(int index) const;
- std::size_t numberOfConditionals() const;
ReferenceItem (additions)
- std::size_t numberOfChildrenItems() const;
- std::size_t numberOfActiveChildrenItems() const;
- smtk::attribute::ItemPtr activeChildItem(int i) const;
XML Format
<Component Name="material" EnforceCategories="true">
<Resource Name="smtk::attribute::Resource" Filter="attribute[type='material']" />
<Double Name="velocity" NumberOfRequiredValues="3"/>
<Double Name="temp"/>
<Query Filter="attribute[type='solid_material']">
<Item> temp </Item>
</Query >
<Query Filter="attribute[type='liquid_material']">
<Item> velocity </Item>
<Item> temp </Item>
</Query >