IMSTK-Unity setup issue

So im still new to IMSTK, since IMSTK unity asset doesnt work, i downloaded the IMSTK from github and built it using cmake with IMSTK_BUILD_FOR_UNITY cmake switch turned on . then I downloaded the IMSTK-Unity from gitlab , and used the command window to run this command ImstkSource~\InstallImstk.bat <path to imstk/install> to copy dll folders into IMSTK unity , then I imported all the assets in the new IMSTK unity folder into unity itself , but it had errors in the following image

I noticed someone else had the same issue in here but I followed the exact same steps and I no longer know what to do , there are also missing prefabs which the demo scenes cant run without

  1. Make sure imstk compiles without errors
    in cmake.

  2. Manually copy all DLLS from the imstk-unity\ImstkSource~\Build\install\bin folder to the Assets/iMSTK/Plugins folder

I hope it was helpful

it was helpful now the errors has decreased but I still cant run the example scenes , those are the errors showing up now , any ideas that could help?

this is the details of the failed to find entry point error in case u need it

  1. The folder name does not contain Spaces
  2. The project directory structure is organized this way: Assets/imstk/
  3. I have not tried unity 2022 or later, I am using Unity 2021.3.45f1 and everything is fine

So i downloaded the same unity version as u and those are the errors , showing up

any idea where I can get the missing prefabs? , also the remoting issue ?

also this is how the files are in unity

so the issue was fixed, I used the Unity version 2021.3.45f1 and disabled iMSTK_BUILD_TESTING, iMSTK_BUILD_VISUAL_TESTING, iMSTK_BUILD_EXAMPLE and only enabled build for unity I guess its name in CMake when building imstk from github and after build I copied all the ddl files from imstk/install/bin to imstk unity/plugins. I just changed the project directory to be the same as Charley did, and then I added the imstk unity file to the unity .

Then I only had the remoting issue, and according to ChatGPT, all I had to do was remove this line using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
as it had no use in the code, then it worked, some scenes just had either 1 or 2 or no simulation managers but that was doable and easy to fix .
I just wanted to say the solution in case someone had the same problem