Does Pulse implement Lung Recruitability out of box ?
Yes, lung recruitment is included as part of the existing Pulse models/simulations. Disease states (applied as conditions or actions) will change several properties, including lung mechanics parameters, dead space values, and gas exchange parameters. The mechanical ventilator equipment model can be used to apply different PEEPs and other settings to achieve desired patient outcomes.
You can play with different patients, disease states, and ventilator settings using the Pulse Explorer ( We recently added a ventilator screen to the Windows download - Linux and Mac will also be updated soon.
Thanks. Is the source code available?
Yes, all the source code in GitLab:
One more point.
Is there an example for Mechanical Ventilator of an ARDS patient where I can check the settings?
You can find several scenario files in this folder
Also, Table 1 in the Mechanical Ventilator methodology includes the ventilator settings and validation of vital signs outcomes for mild, moderate, and severe ARDS for scenarios included in the folder abray linked to.
I have a few questions related to my POC. Can I send those in private? If yes, how?
Sure, you can email Jeff and myself