Model resource clean after renaming entities?

I observed that when I rename a model entity – by calling smtk;:model::EntityRef::setName() – the model resource’s clean flag does not get reset to the false state. (I can post a test to demonstrate.) Should that be changed, or if not, should we add a comment in EntityRef.h that setName() does not affect the resource clean flag?

Only operations invoke observers to inform them that things have changed. You should use the SetProperty operation to set a string property on the component. Then all of the updates you expect should occur.

Got it, thanks. I presume, then, that the entity name is now/also a string property with the property name “name”.

Next time we update smtk/resource/Resource.h, maybe we should expand on the comment for the clean() method:

/// Indicate whether the resource is in sync with its location.

It would be good to state that applications making direct API calls must also call setClean() to reset the flag.