I’m working on extending the copyAttribute method in attribute::Resource to allow the following:
- Setting the new attribute’s UUID to be the same as the original attribute (assuming it is being copied into a different resource).
- Allowing the copy method to permit items to be not available in the copy of the attribute
- Indicating that the attribute’s Definition should not be copied if it does not exist in the target attribute resource.
- Removing the assumption that the items in the copy are in the same sequence as in the original.
The above are needed when trying to migrate an existing attribute resource to an updated version of the underlying template.
In addition, I propose adding the following new options to the Item Assignment Options:
- IGNORE_MISSING_CHIDLREN - children items can be missing in the target Item. This can happen if the copy’s Item Definition is of a different version from the original
- DO_NOT_VALIDATE_REFERENCE_INFO - directly copy reference, component, and resource item values without validating them
- ALLLOW_PARTIAL_Values - indicates that if the target Item has different number of value or constraints that it is ok for only some of the source values to be copied. If not set then if all of the values can not be copied the assignment will fail.
In order to support these new features I plan on deprecating the existing attribute::Resource::copyAttribute(AttributePtr att, bool copyAssociations, unsigned int itemOptions) and replace it with:
attribute::Resource::copyAttribute(const AttributePtr& att, unsigned int attributeCopyOptions = 0, unsigned int itemAssignmentOptions = 0, smtp::io::Logger& logger = smtp::io::Logger::instance())
I also plan on removing the CopyOptions for the attribute resource since these are not being used and to instead add CopyOptions to Attribute.h that contains the following:
- COPY_ASSOCIATIONS - Indicates that association information should be copied and re-validated. The copy will fail if all of the following are true:
- The source attribute has associations
- The resource creating the copy is the same as that source attribute
- The source attribute’s definition is marked unique
- ALLOW_PARTIAL_ASSOCIATION - allows partial copying of associations. If this is not set and not all of the associations can be copied, the copy method will fail.
- DO_NOT_VALIDATE_ASSOCIATIONS - Indicates that association information should be copied and not re-validated.
- COPY_UUID - Indicates the new attribute have the same UUID value as the original. Note that should only be used when original attribute is in a different resource
- IGNORE_MISSING_ITEMS -Items can be missing in the copy. This can happen if the copy’s Definition is of a different version from the original
- DO_NOT_COPY_MISSING_DEFINITION - If not set and if the attribute’s definition is not found in the resource that will contain the attribute copy, the definition will also be copied into the resource. The copy will fail if set and if the resource does not have the source attribute definition.\
In terms of behavior changes
The current copyAttribute method, when told to copy association information, will choose to ignore it if the attribute’s Definition is unique and if the attribute copy is in the same resource as the original. The reason behind this is the fact that under these circumstances the association information can not be copied. I proposed that instead of ignoring the request, that the copy should instead fail.
Updated API Changes
I ended up creating a new class CopyAssignmentOptions that is used to control both attribute copying and Item assignment mechanisms. The class’s information managed by three other class:
- AttributeCopyOptions - which controls how new attributes can be created/copied and provide the following options:
- CopyUUID - if true the new attribute will have the same UUID as the source attribute
- CopyDefinition - if true, indicates that if source attribute’s Definition does not exist in the Resource managing the proposed copy, copying the Definition is permitted
- AttributeAssignmentOptions - controls the assignment process is between 2 attributes and provides the following options:
- IgnoreMissingItems - if set, indicates items in the source attribute do not have to exist in the copy
- CopyAssociations - if set, indicates that the source’s association information should also be copied
- AllowPartialAssociations - if set, indicates that it is ok that not all of the source’s associations can be copied. This could be due to the attribute Definitions having different requirements (including different limits on the NumberOfValues)
- DoNotValidateAssociations - a hint indicating that all of the source attribute’s associations can be blindly copied
- ItemAssignmentOptions - controls the assignment process is between 2 items and provides the following options:
- IgnoreMissingChildren - if set, indicates children items in the source item’s do not have to exist in the copy
- AllowPartialValues - if set, indicates that it is ok that not all of the source item’s values can be copied. This could be due to the item Definitions having different requirements (including different limits on the NumberOfValues/NumberOfGroups)
- IgnoreExpressions - if set, ValueItem’s expressions will not be copied
- IgnoreReferenceValues - if set, ReferenceItem’s values will not be copied
- DoNotValidateReferenceInfo - a hint indicating that all of a ReferenceItem values can be blindly copied
- DisableCopyAttribute - if set and if the process of copying an item would cause an attribute to be created, do not create the attribute and return failure. If an attribute is copied, the AttributeCopyOptions and AttributeAssignmentOptions will be used.