Current Design
Attribute Category Information is currently stored as a set of string (representing the names of the categories) and a combination mode. When inheriting the information (currently only the set of strings are passed to parent items, attributes and possibly children items (based on their inherit category mode).
The Problem
Without the combination mode, the inherited categories allow attributes and items to be displayed with no internal children. Consider the following example:
- Attribute Definition A has no local categories but contains 2 Items
- Item i1 has local categories (c1, c2) with combination mode ALL
- Item i2 has local categories (c3, c4) with combination mode ALL
In the current system A inherits categories (c1, c2, c3, c4) with mode ANY. If the GUI is displaying information associated with c1, any attributes of type A will be displayed but will have no content.
Proposed Solution
Replace the std::set<std:string> , mode representation of category information with a class called smtk::attribute::Categories that provides the following functionality:
- Represents sets of categories along with the combination mode
- Provides a mechanism of combining 2 Categories instances
- Provides a passes method that takes in a set of category strings and returns true if the Categories instance would be “include” in that set.
namespace smtk {
namespace attribute {
class Categories
class Set
enum class CombinationMode
{ Any, All };
CombinationMode mode() const { return m_mode;}
void setMode(const Set::CombinationMode& newMode);
const std::set<std::string>& values { return m_set;}
void set(const std::set<std::string>& values, CombinationMode mode);
bool empty() const { return m_categoryNames.empty(); }
std::size_t size() const { return m_categoryNames.size(); }
bool operator<(const Set& rhs) const;
Combination m_mode;
std::set<std::string> m_set;
bool passes(const std::set<std::string>& cats) const;
void append(const Set& set) { m_sets.insert(set); }
void reset() { m_sets.clear(); }
const std::set<Set>& sets() const { return m_sets;}
std::size_t size() const { return m_sets.size(); }
std::set<Set> m_sets;
API Changes (Updated 1/4/2020)
- Attribute
- New Methods
- categories() - returns a reference to the Categories object associated with the Attribute
- Removed Methods
- isMemberOf(…) → replace with categories().passes(…)
- New Methods
- Definition
- Changed Methods
- categories() - now returns a reference to the Categories object associated with the Definition
- localCategories() - now returns a reference to the Categories::Set object associated with the Definition’s local categories
- applyCategories - method now takes in Categories and a set of strings
- Removed Methods
- isMemberOf(…) → replace with categories().passes(…)
- numberOfCategories() - replaced with categories().size()
- addLocalCategories(…) - replaced with localCategories().insert(…)
- removeLocalCategories(…) - replaced with localCategories().erase(…)
- Changed Methods
- ItemDefinition
- Changed Methods
- categories() - now returns a reference to the Categories object associated with the ItemDefinition
- localCategories() - now returns a reference to the Categories::Set object associated with the ItemDefinition’s local categories
- applyCategories - method now takes in Categories and a set of strings
- CategoryCheckMode Enums removed - replaced by Categories::Set::CombinationMode
- Removed Methods
- isMemberOf(…) → replace with categories().passes(…)
- numberOfCategories() - replaced with categories().size()
- addLocalCategories(…) - replaced with localCategories().insert(…)
- removeLocalCategories(…) - replaced with localCategories().erase(…)
- setCategoryCheckMode(…) - replaced with localCategories().setMode(…)
- categoryCheckMode() - replaced with localCategories().mode()
- Changed Methods
- Item
- New Methods
- categories() - returns a reference to the Categories object associated with the Item
- Removed Methods
- isMemberOf(…) → replace with categories().passes(…)
- passCategoryCheck(…) - replaced with categories().passes(…)
- New Methods
- ValueItemDefinition
- Changed Methods
- setEnumCategories - now takes in Categories::Set instead of a set of strings
- enumCategories - now returns a const reference to a Categories::Set instead of a set of strings
- Changed Methods