Regarding the pneumothorax issue

After performing the pneumothorax action, the physiological parameters stop changing after a period of time, as shown in the figure. The cause cannot be identified, and it may be due to an abnormal variable. The logs are shown below.

Can you provide the full log of your simulation?

[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from ./
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find substance directory : ./
[INFO] [0(s)] Clearing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Human Adult Whole Body
[INFO] [0(s)] Version : 4.2.0
[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : c31056cb3
[INFO] [0(s)] Build Time : Wed Dec 18 15:35:16 2024
[INFO] [0(s)] Looking for files in E:/Work/ICU_Latest/Assets/StreamingAssets/Data/
[INFO] [0(s)] [Patient] Name: “TestPatient”
Age {
ScalarTime {
Value: 34
Unit: “yr”
Weight {
ScalarMass {
Value: 65
Unit: “kg”
BodyFatFraction {
Scalar0To1 {
Value: 0.20999999344348907
RightLungRatio {
Scalar0To1 {
Value: 0.52499997615814209
DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 73.5
Unit: “mmHg”
RespirationRateBaseline {
ScalarFrequency {
Value: 16
Unit: “1/min”
SystolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 114
Unit: “mmHg”

[INFO] [0(s)] No patient height set. Using the standard value of 177 cm.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient ideal body weight computed and set to 72.2756 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient lean body mass computed and set to 51.35 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient body density computed and set to 1.05052 g/cm^3.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate baseline set. Using the standard value of 72 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate maximum set. Using a computed value of 184.2 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate minimum set. Using a default value of 0.001 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient blood volume baseline set. Using a computed value of 4635.27 mL.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient total lung capacity set. Using a computed value of 5.78205 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient functional residual capacity set. Using a computed value of 2.16827 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient residual volume set. Using a computed value of 1.15641 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient tidal volume computed and set to 0.505929 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient vital capacity computed and set to 4.62564 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient expiratory reserve volume computed and set to 1.01186 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory reserve volume computed and set to 3.10785 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory capacity computed and set to 3.61378 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient alveoli surface area set. Using a computed value of 65.5986 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient skin surface area set. Using a computed value of 1.80563 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient basal metabolic rate set. Using a computed value of 1615.84 kcal/day.
[INFO] [0(s)] Resetting Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from E:/Work/ICU_Latest/Assets/StreamingAssets/Data/
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging OnDisk Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating Circuits and Compartments
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Cardiovascular
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Renal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Tissue
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Gastrointestinal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up ECMO
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up External Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Internal Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Respiratory
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Anesthesia Machine
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up BagValveMask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Inhaler
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilation
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilator
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Nasal Cannula
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up NonRebreather Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Simple Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Gas Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Liquid Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Models
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning to patient parameters : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114 Diastolic(mmHg):73.5
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 75.5
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):112.818 Diastolic(mmHg):90.7172 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5134.87 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.20319 MAP(mmHg):102.577 BloodVolume(mL): 4614.86
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 112.46
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):119.238 Diastolic(mmHg):83.5738 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5126.81 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.20274 MAP(mmHg):102.408 BloodVolume(mL): 4614.72
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 175.46
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit (No Tissues). Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.163 Diastolic(mmHg):75.4648 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5615.49 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.58371 MAP(mmHg):96.145 BloodVolume(mL): 4614.79
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning Tissue resistances at 175.48s
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.00225348(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 2259.65(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -6.82802e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 13793.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -0.00357357(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 1465.2(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : -0.000231492(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 23261.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : -0.000360707(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 13181.3(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000102763(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 153073(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000102763(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 153073(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 1.93209e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 99900.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -0.00920725(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 818.151(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -5.40668e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 71898.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 2.05484e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 90386.2(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : -2.81775e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 6605.99(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : -2.78624e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 158176(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 8/13 paths at 195.5s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 10/13 paths at 215.52s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 8/13 paths at 235.54s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 6/13 paths at 255.56s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 3/13 paths at 275.58s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 1/13 paths at 295.6s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 0/13 paths at 315.62s
[INFO] [0(s)] Finalizing CV Circuit…
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned tissue circuit at 345.64s
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 564.914(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.000346894(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 1724.14(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -2.96688e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 732.601(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -8.33781e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 1453.82(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : 1.26944e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 411.916(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : 3.72169e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 153073(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.00010716(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 153073(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.00010716(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 12487.6(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 1.73973e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 818.151(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -2.45498e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 4493.63(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -2.48187e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 11298.3(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 1.7219e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 206.437(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : 5.78701e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 2471.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : 7.15222e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit with tissue resistances. Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.172 Diastolic(mmHg):75.4653 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5616.87 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.58365 MAP(mmHg):96.1502 BloodVolume(mL): 4612.42
[INFO] [0(s)] Cardiovascular Graph does not have cmpt Pericardium
[INFO] [0(s)] Converging to a steady state
[INFO] [10.02(s)] Converging System… it took 0.642s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [20.04(s)] Converging System… it took 0.66s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [26.82(s)] 26.82s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.331883, the last target value was 0.357427
[INFO] [30.06(s)] Converging System… it took 0.651s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [31.78(s)] 31.78s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.310995, the last target value was 0.331883
[INFO] [33.44(s)] 33.44s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.984474, the last target value was 0.986958
[INFO] [36.98(s)] 36.98s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.294726, the last target value was 0.310995
[INFO] [40.08(s)] Converging System… it took 0.67s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [41.84(s)] 41.84s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.982008, the last target value was 0.984474
[INFO] [42.2(s)] 42.2s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.286546, the last target value was 0.294726
[INFO] [47.26(s)] 47.26s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.287499, the last target value was 0.286546
[INFO] [49.46(s)] 49.46s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.979549, the last target value was 0.982008
[INFO] [50.1(s)] Converging System… it took 0.659s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [52.04(s)] 52.04s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.289824, the last target value was 0.287499
[INFO] [56.48(s)] 56.48s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.293036, the last target value was 0.289824
[INFO] [57.8(s)] 57.8s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.977092, the last target value was 0.979549
[INFO] [60.12(s)] Converging System… it took 0.662s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [60.58(s)] 60.58s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.296959, the last target value was 0.293036
[INFO] [64.38(s)] 64.38s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.301055, the last target value was 0.296959
[INFO] [67.9(s)] 67.9s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.305103, the last target value was 0.301055
[INFO] [68.72(s)] 68.72s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.974648, the last target value was 0.977092
[INFO] [70.14(s)] Converging System… it took 0.649s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [71.24(s)] 71.24s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.312646, the last target value was 0.305103
[INFO] [74.5(s)] 74.5s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.325141, the last target value was 0.312646
[INFO] [77.76(s)] 77.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.342557, the last target value was 0.325141
[INFO] [80.16(s)] Converging System… it took 0.655s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [81.06(s)] 81.06s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.363414, the last target value was 0.342557
[INFO] [84.46(s)] 84.46s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.384807, the last target value was 0.363414
[INFO] [87.94(s)] 87.94s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.403217, the last target value was 0.384807
[INFO] [90.18(s)] Converging System… it took 0.626s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [91.52(s)] 91.52s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.416159, the last target value was 0.403217
[INFO] [95.2(s)] 95.2s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.422072, the last target value was 0.416159
[INFO] [100.2(s)] Converging System… it took 0.623s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [102.78(s)] 102.78s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.416286, the last target value was 0.422072
[INFO] [106.66(s)] 106.66s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.407669, the last target value was 0.416286
[INFO] [110.22(s)] Converging System… it took 0.646s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [110.56(s)] 110.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.397395, the last target value was 0.407669
[INFO] [114.48(s)] 114.48s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.38701, the last target value was 0.397395
[INFO] [118.42(s)] 118.42s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.377563, the last target value was 0.38701
[INFO] [120.24(s)] Converging System… it took 0.641s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [122.34(s)] 122.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.369667, the last target value was 0.377563
[INFO] [126.22(s)] 126.22s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.363734, the last target value was 0.369667
[INFO] [130.06(s)] 130.06s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.359977, the last target value was 0.363734
[INFO] [130.26(s)] Converging System… it took 0.64s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [133.84(s)] 133.84s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.358407, the last target value was 0.359977
[INFO] [140.28(s)] Converging System… it took 0.627s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [141.22(s)] 141.22s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.361565, the last target value was 0.358407
[INFO] [144.86(s)] 144.86s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.365878, the last target value was 0.361565
[INFO] [148.48(s)] 148.48s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.371578, the last target value was 0.365878
[INFO] [150.3(s)] Converging System… it took 0.649s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [152.1(s)] 152.1s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.37818, the last target value was 0.371578
[INFO] [155.72(s)] 155.72s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.384936, the last target value was 0.37818
[INFO] [159.34(s)] 159.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.391297, the last target value was 0.384936
[INFO] [160.32(s)] Converging System… it took 0.637s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [163(s)] 163s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.396735, the last target value was 0.391297
[INFO] [166.68(s)] 166.68s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.400655, the last target value was 0.396735
[INFO] [170.34(s)] Converging System… it took 0.644s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [170.38(s)] 170.38s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.402966, the last target value was 0.400655
[INFO] [180.36(s)] Converging System… it took 0.63s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [181.64(s)] 181.64s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.401487, the last target value was 0.402966
[INFO] [185.42(s)] 185.42s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.399032, the last target value was 0.401487
[INFO] [189.2(s)] 189.2s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.39629, the last target value was 0.399032
[INFO] [190.38(s)] Converging System… it took 0.644s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [192.98(s)] 192.98s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.39357, the last target value was 0.39629
[INFO] [196.76(s)] 196.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.391205, the last target value was 0.39357
[INFO] [200.4(s)] Converging System… it took 0.631s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [200.54(s)] 200.54s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.389378, the last target value was 0.391205
[INFO] [204.3(s)] 204.3s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.388247, the last target value was 0.389378
[INFO] [210.42(s)] Converging System… it took 0.647s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [215.5(s)] 215.5s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.389335, the last target value was 0.388247
[INFO] [219.22(s)] 219.22s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.390996, the last target value was 0.389335
[INFO] [220.44(s)] Converging System… it took 0.627s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [222.92(s)] 222.92s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.393008, the last target value was 0.390996
[INFO] [226.6(s)] 226.6s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.395242, the last target value was 0.393008
[INFO] [230.3(s)] 230.3s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.39754, the last target value was 0.395242
[INFO] [230.46(s)] Converging System… it took 0.622s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [234(s)] 234s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.39961, the last target value was 0.39754
[INFO] [237.72(s)] 237.72s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.401366, the last target value was 0.39961
[INFO] [240.48(s)] Converging System… it took 0.636s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [241.44(s)] 241.44s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.402595, the last target value was 0.401366
[INFO] [248.9(s)] 248.9s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.40376, the last target value was 0.402595
[INFO] [250.5(s)] Converging System… it took 0.64s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [260.52(s)] Converging System… it took 0.637s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [263.88(s)] 263.88s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.40212, the last target value was 0.40376
[INFO] [270.54(s)] Converging System… it took 0.64s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [271.38(s)] 271.38s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.400834, the last target value was 0.40212
[INFO] [280.56(s)] Converging System… it took 0.64s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [286.4(s)] We have passed required and optional convergence criteria.
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Convergence took 18.4s to simulate 286s to get engine to a steady state
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 75.4534(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.128(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 96.1207(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.400534 L.
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.21325 L.
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 75.4534(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.128(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 96.1207(mmHg)
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.400534 L.
[INFO] [286.4(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.21325 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 75.4534(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.128(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient mean arterial pressure = 96.1207(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient tidal volume = 0.400534 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.21325 L.
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : StomachContents

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for StomachContents
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : LeftEyePupillaryResponse

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for LeftEyePupillaryResponse
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : RightEyePupillaryResponse

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for RightEyePupillaryResponse
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : ReactivityModifier

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for ReactivityModifier
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : ShapeModifier

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for ShapeModifier
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : SizeModifier

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for SizeModifier
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : FractionOfInsipredOxygen

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for FractionOfInsipredOxygen
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : PupillaryResponse

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for PupillaryResponse
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : HeartRhythm

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for HeartRhythm
[INFO] [10.06(s)] [Action]
“PatientAction”: {
“TensionPneumothorax”: {
“PatientAction”: {
“Action”: {
“Comment”: “”
“Type”: “Open”,
“Side”: “Left”,
“Severity”: {
“Scalar0To1”: {
“Value”: 0.6,
“Unit”: “”,
“ReadOnly”: false

[INFO] [30.26(s)] [Action]
“PatientAction”: {
“Arrhythmia”: {
“PatientAction”: {
“Action”: {
“Comment”: “”
“Rhythm”: “NormalSinus”,
“ExterParams”: “HeartRateBaseLine=126,AortaCompliance=0.5,SystemicVascularResistance=0.7,”

[INFO] [30.84(s)] Switching heart rhythm to NormalSinus
[INFO] [30.84(s)] 目标心率 = 126
[INFO] [41.82(s)] [Event] 41.82(s), Patient has Antidiuresis
[INFO] [86.12(s)] [Event] 86.12(s), Patient has Hypoxia
[INFO] [88.78(s)] [Event] 88.78(s), Patient has Tachypnea
[INFO] [90.86(s)] Completed Arrhythmia Transition
[INFO] [90.86(s)] [Event] 90.86(s), Patient has Tachycardia
[INFO] [113.58(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [114.02(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalar0To1 must be between [0,1]
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume
[ERROR] [115.78(s)] SEScalarQuantity::GetValue of mmHg s/mL is NaN class SEScalarPressureTimePerVolume

It seems you are stabilizing the engine

You are requesting some data properties that are enums and currently unsupported, but that should not be a problem

It seems you might have modifed the code and added a new field in our action messages?

The Errors at time 115.78 seem to indicate that you have code trying to set a CDM property that with a value outside of its valid range, and you then get values of some CDM objects that do not have data.

I suggest you execute this scenario through the debbugger and see exactly where in the code these errors are being thrown.

The easiest way to do this, is to run the HowToDriver project/executable.
First uncomment this call to our Sandbox method
And then, modify this method to recreate what you are doing.
It should then throw these errors and you can see what parts of the code need further inspection