I’m now trying to implement/modify/create all the possible interactions (cutting, grasping, tearing, pushing, suturing…) in iMSTK-Unity. But now, I’m going to focus on cutting and tearing, the ones that modify the mesh deleting/adding vertices.
I’m currently using iMSTK-Unity main-version-2 and iMSTK main branch (Don’t know the exact version, but not older than 15/20 days).
I created cutting.cs just like:
cutting = new Imstk.PbdObjectCutting(pbdModel.GetDynamicObject() as Imstk.PbdObject, rigidModel.GetDynamicObject() as Imstk.CollidingObject);
And, when a button is pressed, i just call to cutting.apply.
https:// youtu.be/Ic9TxnOObD4
Using the gizmos I’ve seen the following facts:
- 4 new vertex are always created
- The vertex are not connected in the correct order (image)
- Splitting the old cut vertex in two vertex, and connecting them to the correct “neighbor” should be enough.
pd: theoretical, not theorical, sorry.
The image is a cut linemesh that was created from vertex number 4, to vertex number 0, with 4 segments, so, with vertex {0,1,2,3,4}
There is also a not important (for now) “bug” that causes an error in the normals calculation. The explanation is in iMSTK gitlab issues, I’m not gonna write it here because is not important.
Using tearing.cs script that is in main-version-2, I’ve broken the mesh, but constraints are not totally broken. I can see that they are broken because I can puncture with a needle and the cloth offers no resistance, but the particles are still wirking together like a cloth. Video right there:
https:// youtu.be/v-9IkNYqXfg (Let me add links please :,) )
The modification i did to achieve this (visual holes) is just updating the mesh indices with the physics mesh indices, like this:
Imstk.SurfaceMesh physicsGeom = Imstk.Utils.CastTo<Imstk.SurfaceMesh>(GetPhysicsGeometry());
meshFilter.mesh.vertices = MathUtil.ToVector3Array(physicsGeom.getVertexPositions());
int[] indices = MathUtil.ToIntArray(physicsGeom.getTriangleIndices());
meshFilter.mesh.SetIndices(indices, MeshTopology.Triangles, 0);