tetrahedral not aligned with surface mesh to create a deformable body on IMSTK unityy

so ive been trying to see if I can make any mesh deformable but I needed a tetrahedral mesh or vtk format of the mesh so I used gmsh for the tetrahedral generation as well as exporting as vtk which worked as shown

but then the problem arises in IMSTK unity when the tetrahedral gizmo/handles are not aligned with the surface mesh as seen below

is there any solution for it?

Do they appear to be different sizes or just an offset? There may be some scaling differences when you generated and imported the tetrahedral mesh into Unity. This is common issue we have faced when converting and importing models into Unity. Different tools make different assumptions about the coordinate system and units of measurement on the models. You might want to look into the import settings of the model and check the assumed units or scale factors and then re-import.

It also appears that you have too many triangles and consequently tetrahedra in your mesh. You will face performance issues on the deformable model if you have large number of vertices and cells. You might want to first decimate the surface mesh and also control the number of tetrahedra generated.

I did regenerate and reimport using gmsh still same issue which are both the scaling and the offset , do you use any other program for tetrahedralizing? I want to see if the issue is due to gmsh coordinate system or its the same using other programs
Regarding decimating its currently at about 3.5k vertices , i could try decimating in meshlab no issue , the bigger problem is the tetrahedra for now