Usage of PK parameters


I’m investigating the Data.xlsx file and wondering where some PK parameters are used.
May I ask where the BloodPlasmaRation is used as I cannot find it in any of the equations? And what is logP, and where is it used? Is there any documentation that describes each of the parameters, so I can refer to next time? Thank you so much!

Many thanks,

Can you please post this under the Pulse forum?


I’m sorry. I forgot to select the category :joy:. It should be now.

Many thanks

1 Like


The PK parameters are documented in our software documentation. These definitions explain what each parameter is.

How these parameters are used in the calculation of the pharmocokinetic model are documented in our drug methodology report.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Thanks for your reply! That’s really helpful!

I’ve got another question regarding the result of a propofol bolus of 1mg/kg with concentration of 20mg/mL, trying to reproduce the validation results of PPE. I got the result that the plasma concentration and systolic pressure looking reasonable. However, the heart rate kept dropping, and the diastolic pressure had a strange curve. May I ask if it could be possible that I made a mistake, or what could cause this please?

Many thanks,


I am not sure I know what PPE is, could you define that for me?

So, it looks like your blood pressure is 100/30, which is a fairly large pulse pressure. Can you share the PD parameters you are setting to achieve this?


Thanks for your reply!

Sorry for the confusion, PPE is just Pulse Physiology Engine :slight_smile: I’m looking at the validation in Pulse Physiology Engine’s Drug Methodology document on Propofol.

The PD parameters are just the initial ones define in the Data.xlsx file as follow:

I sometimes also get this error when I try to do Propofol Infusion:
FATAL:Can’t transport with a negative volume included. Node = LeftHeart. Volume = -468.076 mL
May I ask what could have happened?

Many thanks,

Can you post the Pulse log file from this run?

I can see that the error happens because the heart rate and blood pressure is too low.
The log file is as follows:

[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from ./
[INFO] [0(s)] Clearing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Human Adult Whole Body
[INFO] [0(s)] Version : 4.2.0
[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : b5ef23de0
[INFO] [0(s)] Build Time : Thu Jun 20 19:11:31 2024
[INFO] [0(s)] Looking for files in ./
[INFO] [0(s)] [Patient] Age {
ScalarTime {
Value: 44
Unit: “yr”
Weight {
ScalarMass {
Value: 70
Unit: “kg”
Height {
ScalarLength {
Value: 170
Unit: “cm”
BodyFatFraction {
Scalar0To1 {
Value: 0.21
BloodVolumeBaseline {
ScalarVolume {
Value: 4999.2383151430349
Unit: “mL”
DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 73.5
Unit: “mmHg”
HeartRateBaseline {
ScalarFrequency {
Value: 72
Unit: “1/min”
RespirationRateBaseline {
ScalarFrequency {
Value: 12
Unit: “1/min”
SystolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 114
Unit: “mmHg”

[INFO] [0(s)] Patient ideal body weight computed and set to 65.937 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient lean body mass computed and set to 55.3 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient body density computed and set to 1.05052 g/cm^3.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate maximum set. Using a computed value of 177.2 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate minimum set. Using a default value of 0.001 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient right lung ratio set. Using the standard value of 0.525.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient total lung capacity set. Using a computed value of 5.27496 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient functional residual capacity set. Using a computed value of 1.97811 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient residual volume set. Using a computed value of 1.05499 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient tidal volume computed and set to 0.461559 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient vital capacity computed and set to 4.21997 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient expiratory reserve volume computed and set to 0.923118 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory reserve volume computed and set to 2.83529 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory capacity computed and set to 3.29685 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient alveoli surface area set. Using a computed value of 59.8456 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient skin surface area set. Using a computed value of 1.80968 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient basal metabolic rate set. Using a computed value of 1592.46 kcal/day.
[INFO] [0(s)] Resetting Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from ./
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging OnDisk Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating Circuits and Compartments
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Cardiovascular
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Renal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Tissue
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Gastrointestinal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up ECMO
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up External Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Internal Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Respiratory
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Anesthesia Machine
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up BagValveMask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Inhaler
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilation
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilator
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Nasal Cannula
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up NonRebreather Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Simple Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Gas Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Liquid Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Models
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning to patient parameters : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114 Diastolic(mmHg):73.5
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 67.1
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):112.48 Diastolic(mmHg):91.7745 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5151.46 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.208 MAP(mmHg):102.916 BloodVolume(mL): 4977.29
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 107.42
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):119.638 Diastolic(mmHg):83.9097 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5145.71 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.20892 MAP(mmHg):102.778 BloodVolume(mL): 4977.15
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 163.7
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.252 Diastolic(mmHg):75.3321 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5660.45 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.61018 MAP(mmHg):96.1388 BloodVolume(mL): 4977.26
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 203.18
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):113.674 Diastolic(mmHg):74.3385 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5727.29 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.66134 MAP(mmHg):95.3847 BloodVolume(mL): 4977.37
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 219.98
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit (No Tissues). Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.306 Diastolic(mmHg):73.6373 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5727.94 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.66199 MAP(mmHg):95.3877 BloodVolume(mL): 4977.43
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning Tissue resistances at 220s
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.00255598(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 2098.25(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -4.13083e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 13793.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -0.00399559(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 1360.54(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : -0.000255063(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 21599.6(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : -0.000395839(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 12239.8(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000105459(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 142140(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000105459(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 142140(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 2.23272e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 92764.8(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -0.0101184(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 759.711(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -6.09796e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 66762.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 2.37756e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 83930(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : -2.15474e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 6591.2(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : -3.09185e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 146878(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 240.02s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 260.04s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 8/13 paths at 280.06s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 6/13 paths at 300.08s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 3/13 paths at 320.1s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 1/13 paths at 340.12s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 0/13 paths at 360.14s
[INFO] [0(s)] Finalizing CV Circuit…
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned tissue circuit at 390.16s
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 524.563(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.000196917(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 1724.14(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -3.29605e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 680.272(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -5.76272e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 1349.98(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : -5.59168e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 382.494(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : -1.39491e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 142140(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000121815(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 142140(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000121815(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 11595.6(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 1.4887e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 759.711(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -2.74896e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 4172.66(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -2.16429e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 10491.3(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 1.46542e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 205.975(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : 4.68837e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 2294.96(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : -2.99426e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit with tissue resistances. Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.289 Diastolic(mmHg):73.6233 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5727.57 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.66077 MAP(mmHg):95.3718 BloodVolume(mL): 4975.06
[INFO] [0(s)] Cardiovascular Graph does not have cmpt Pericardium
[INFO] [0(s)] Converging to a steady state
[INFO] [10.02(s)] Converging System… it took 0.953s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [20.04(s)] Converging System… it took 0.947s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [28.2(s)] 28.2s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.339427, the last target value was 0.364568
[INFO] [30.06(s)] Converging System… it took 0.944s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [32.48(s)] 32.48s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.983004, the last target value was 0.985469
[INFO] [34.2(s)] 34.2s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.322496, the last target value was 0.339427
[INFO] [39.42(s)] 39.42s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.980544, the last target value was 0.983004
[INFO] [39.74(s)] 39.74s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.314961, the last target value was 0.322496
[INFO] [40.08(s)] Converging System… it took 0.991s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [47.04(s)] 47.04s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.978089, the last target value was 0.980544
[INFO] [49.34(s)] 49.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.321564, the last target value was 0.314961
[INFO] [50.1(s)] Converging System… it took 0.968s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [53.64(s)] 53.64s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.337401, the last target value was 0.321564
[INFO] [57.86(s)] 57.86s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.36474, the last target value was 0.337401
[INFO] [58.68(s)] 58.68s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.975636, the last target value was 0.978089
[INFO] [60.12(s)] Converging System… it took 0.954s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [62.12(s)] 62.12s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.403772, the last target value was 0.36474
[INFO] [66.56(s)] 66.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.448307, the last target value was 0.403772
[INFO] [70.14(s)] Converging System… it took 0.96s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [71.14(s)] 71.14s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.488237, the last target value was 0.448307
[INFO] [75.9(s)] 75.9s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.516429, the last target value was 0.488237
[INFO] [80.16(s)] Converging System… it took 0.951s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [80.8(s)] 80.8s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.529206, the last target value was 0.516429
[INFO] [85.82(s)] 85.82s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.527853, the last target value was 0.529206
[INFO] [90.18(s)] Converging System… it took 0.974s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [90.9(s)] 90.9s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.516701, the last target value was 0.527853
[INFO] [96.04(s)] 96.04s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.500669, the last target value was 0.516701
[INFO] [100.2(s)] Converging System… it took 0.948s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [101.24(s)] 101.24s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.483776, the last target value was 0.500669
[INFO] [106.42(s)] 106.42s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.468837, the last target value was 0.483776
[INFO] [110.22(s)] Converging System… it took 0.943s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [111.56(s)] 111.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.457468, the last target value was 0.468837
[INFO] [116.64(s)] 116.64s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.45037, the last target value was 0.457468
[INFO] [120.24(s)] Converging System… it took 0.952s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [121.66(s)] 121.66s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.447698, the last target value was 0.45037
[INFO] [126.64(s)] 126.64s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.448995, the last target value was 0.447698
[INFO] [130.26(s)] Converging System… it took 0.977s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [131.56(s)] 131.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.453666, the last target value was 0.448995
[INFO] [136.44(s)] 136.44s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.460697, the last target value was 0.453666
[INFO] [140.28(s)] Converging System… it took 0.947s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [141.34(s)] 141.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.468883, the last target value was 0.460697
[INFO] [146.24(s)] 146.24s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.476926, the last target value was 0.468883
[INFO] [150.3(s)] Converging System… it took 0.953s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [151.16(s)] 151.16s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.483715, the last target value was 0.476926
[INFO] [156.1(s)] 156.1s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.488497, the last target value was 0.483715
[INFO] [160.32(s)] Converging System… it took 0.948s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [161.06(s)] 161.06s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.491539, the last target value was 0.488497
[INFO] [170.34(s)] Converging System… it took 0.975s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [176.08(s)] We have passed required and optional convergence criteria.
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Convergence took 16.8s to simulate 176s to get engine to a steady state
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.6011(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.227(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3281(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.490669 L.
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 2.80618 L.
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.6011(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.227(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3281(mmHg)
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.490669 L.
[INFO] [176.08(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 2.80618 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.6011(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.227(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3281(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient tidal volume = 0.490669 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 2.80618 L.
[INFO] [120(s)] [Action]
“PatientAction”: {
“SubstanceBolus”: {
“PatientAction”: {
“Action”: {
“Comment”: “Patient receives injection of Fentanyl”
“Substance”: “Fentanyl”,
“AdministrationRoute”: “Intravenous”,
“Concentration”: {
“ScalarMassPerVolume”: {
“Value”: 0.02,
“Unit”: “ug/mL”,
“ReadOnly”: false
“Dose”: {
“ScalarVolume”: {
“Value”: 10500,
“Unit”: “mL”,
“ReadOnly”: false

[INFO] [120(s)] Defaulting bolus administration duration of Fentanyl to 2s
[INFO] [120.18(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [121.86(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [121.86(s)] [Event] 121.86(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [122.86(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [123.88(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [123.88(s)] [Event] 123.88(s), Patient has Antidiuresis
[INFO] [130(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [131.36(s)] [Event] 131.36(s), Patient has Bradypnea
[INFO] [138.16(s)] [Event] 138.16(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [139.14(s)] [Event] 139.14(s), Patient no longer is in Antidiuresis
[INFO] [143.02(s)] [Event] 143.02(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [146.06(s)] [Event] 146.06(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [149.94(s)] [Event] 149.94(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [152.98(s)] [Event] 152.98(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [157.84(s)] [Event] 157.84(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [160.86(s)] [Event] 160.86(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [165.7(s)] [Event] 165.7(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [167.7(s)] [Event] 167.7(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [186.32(s)] [Event] 186.32(s), Patient no longer has Bradypnea
[INFO] [240(s)] [Action]
“PatientAction”: {
“SubstanceBolus”: {
“PatientAction”: {
“Action”: {
“Comment”: “Patient receives injection of Propofol”
“Substance”: “Propofol”,
“AdministrationRoute”: “Intravenous”,
“AdministrationDuration”: {
“ScalarTime”: {
“Value”: 20,
“Unit”: “s”,
“ReadOnly”: false
“Concentration”: {
“ScalarMassPerVolume”: {
“Value”: 20,
“Unit”: “mg/mL”,
“ReadOnly”: false
“Dose”: {
“ScalarVolume”: {
“Value”: 3.5,
“Unit”: “mL”,
“ReadOnly”: false

[INFO] [240(s)] [Action]
“PatientAction”: {
“SubstanceInfusion”: {
“PatientAction”: {
“Action”: {
“Comment”: “Patient receives an infusion of Propofol”
“Substance”: “Propofol”,
“Concentration”: {
“ScalarMassPerVolume”: {
“Value”: 20,
“Unit”: “mg/mL”,
“ReadOnly”: false
“Rate”: {
“ScalarVolumePerTime”: {
“Value”: 35,
“Unit”: “mL/hr”,
“ReadOnly”: false

[INFO] [240.1(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [240.9(s)] [Event] 240.9(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [242.08(s)] [Event] 242.08(s), Patient has Antidiuresis
[INFO] [243.42(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [244.92(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [244.92(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [251.06(s)] [Event] 251.06(s), Patient has low blood pressure and the vasculature has collapsed
[INFO] [251.06(s)] [Event] 251.06(s), Patient has Tachycardia
[INFO] [251.06(s)] [Event] 251.06(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [251.06(s)] [Event] 251.06(s), Patient has Renal Hypoperfusion
[INFO] [251.06(s)] [Event] 251.06(s), Patient has Hypoxia
[INFO] [251.56(s)] [Event] 251.56(s), Patient no longer has Tachycardia
[INFO] [307.12(s)] [Event] 307.12(s), Patient no longer has Hypoxia
[FATAL] [337.54(s)] Can’t transport with a negative volume included. Node = LeftHeart. Volume = -2373.46 mL
[INFO] [337.54(s)] [Event] 513.62(s), Patient has entered irreversible state

Many thanks,

He’s dead Jim!

You should stop the engine when you see this event

I think it was the butler in the green room with fentanyl…

Thanks for your reply!

The patient would still die even if I don’t use fentanyl. I’m following the standard anathesia protocol from Should I try to change some of the PD parameters to make this work?

Many thanks,

I have run this (without the fentanyl) using both the last Pulse Explorer and using code built from our latest branch (feature/ventilator_updates)

The explorer also crashed around 700s with something similar to your log
But the latest branch does not die, even ran for 3000s… no deaths

Can you try your experiment with the ventilator_updates branch? its the bleeding edge branch with all of our latest and greatest updates

There was some work done to improve the application of drug pharmacodynamics changes to the cardiovascular system, which might have fixed the issue you are seeing…

Thanks you so much!

The patient did not die with the feature/ventilator_updates branch!

I still got those logs though, but the engine kept running.
[INFO] [849.08(s)] [Event] 849.08(s), Patient has Renal Hypoperfusion
[INFO] [884.42(s)] [Event] 884.42(s), Patient has low blood pressure and the vasculature has collapsed
[INFO] [884.42(s)] [Event] 884.42(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [884.42(s)] [Event] 884.42(s), Patient has Hypoxia
[INFO] [885.04(s)] [Event] 885.04(s), Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [891.24(s)] [Event] 891.24(s), Patient no longer has Bradycardia
[INFO] [931.5(s)] [Event] 931.5(s), Patient no longer has Hypoxia
[FATAL] [972.22(s)] Can’t transport with a negative volume included. Node = RightPulmonaryVeins. Volume = -7.51577 mL
[INFO] [972.22(s)] [Event] 1148.3(s), Patient has entered irreversible state

Are you adding fentynal?

This is my log, with no fatals

[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/StandardDataRequests.json
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/DrugDataRequests.json
[WARN] [0(s)] Ignoring duplicate data request:
[WARN] [0(s)] Ignoring duplicate data request:
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/NervousDataRequests.json
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating CSV File : ./test_results/scenarios//drug/PropofolResults.csv
[INFO] [0(s)] Clearing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Human Adult Whole Body
[INFO] [0(s)] Version : 4.2.1
[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : 09c0dc4c7
[INFO] [0(s)] Build Time : Thu Jun 20 20:05:39 2024
[INFO] [0(s)] Looking for files in .
[INFO] [0(s)] [Provided Patient] Name: "StandardMale"
Age {
  ScalarTime {
    Value: 44
    Unit: "yr"
Weight {
  ScalarMass {
    Value: 170
    Unit: "lb"
Height {
  ScalarLength {
    Value: 71
    Unit: "in"
BodyFatFraction {
  Scalar0To1 {
    Value: 0.21
DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline {
  ScalarPressure {
    Value: 73.5
    Unit: "mmHg"
HeartRateBaseline {
  ScalarFrequency {
    Value: 72
    Unit: "1/min"
RespirationRateBaseline {
  ScalarFrequency {
    Value: 12
    Unit: "1/min"
SystolicArterialPressureBaseline {
  ScalarPressure {
    Value: 114
    Unit: "mmHg"

[INFO] [0(s)] Patient ideal body weight computed and set to 75.3 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient lean body mass computed and set to 60.9175 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient body density computed and set to 1.05052 g/cm^3.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate maximum set. Using a computed value of 177.2 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate minimum set. Using a default value of 0.001 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient blood volume baseline set. Using a computed value of 5517.73 mL.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient right lung ratio set. Using the standard value of 0.525.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient total lung capacity set. Using a computed value of 6.024 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient functional residual capacity set. Using a computed value of 2.259 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient residual volume set. Using a computed value of 1.2048 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient tidal volume computed and set to 0.5271 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient vital capacity computed and set to 4.8192 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient expiratory reserve volume computed and set to 1.0542 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory reserve volume computed and set to 3.2379 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory capacity computed and set to 3.765 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient alveoli surface area set. Using a computed value of 68.3436 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient skin surface area set. Using a computed value of 1.96812 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient basal metabolic rate set. Using a computed value of 1737.35 kcal/day.
[INFO] [0(s)] [Patient] 
 "Name": "StandardMale",
 "Age": {
  "ScalarTime": {
   "Value": 44,
   "Unit": "yr"
 "Weight": {
  "ScalarMass": {
   "Value": 170,
   "Unit": "lb"
 "Height": {
  "ScalarLength": {
   "Value": 71,
   "Unit": "in"
 "BodyDensity": {
  "ScalarMassPerVolume": {
   "Value": 1.0505236628887222,
   "Unit": "g/cm^3"
 "BodyFatFraction": {
  "Scalar0To1": {
   "Value": 0.21
 "BodyMassIndex": {
  "Value": 23.70994416557371
 "LeanBodyMass": {
  "ScalarMass": {
   "Value": 60.91745529100001,
   "Unit": "kg"
 "IdealBodyWeight": {
  "ScalarMass": {
   "Value": 75.3,
   "Unit": "kg"
 "AlveoliSurfaceArea": {
  "ScalarArea": {
   "Value": 68.343598055105346,
   "Unit": "m^2"
 "RightLungRatio": {
  "Scalar0To1": {
   "Value": 0.525
 "SkinSurfaceArea": {
  "ScalarArea": {
   "Value": 1.968118127917069,
   "Unit": "m^2"
 "BasalMetabolicRate": {
  "ScalarPower": {
   "Value": 1737.3477467513003,
   "Unit": "kcal/day"
 "BloodVolumeBaseline": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 5517.734437810328,
   "Unit": "mL"
 "DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline": {
  "ScalarPressure": {
   "Value": 73.5,
   "Unit": "mmHg"
 "HeartRateBaseline": {
  "ScalarFrequency": {
   "Value": 72,
   "Unit": "1/min"
 "MeanArterialPressureBaseline": {
  "ScalarPressure": {
   "Value": 87,
   "Unit": "mmHg"
 "PulsePressureBaseline": {
  "ScalarPressure": {
   "Value": 40.5,
   "Unit": "mmHg"
 "RespirationRateBaseline": {
  "ScalarFrequency": {
   "Value": 12,
   "Unit": "1/min"
 "SystolicArterialPressureBaseline": {
  "ScalarPressure": {
   "Value": 114,
   "Unit": "mmHg"
 "TidalVolumeBaseline": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 0.5270999999999999,
   "Unit": "L"
 "HeartRateMaximum": {
  "ScalarFrequency": {
   "Value": 177.2,
   "Unit": "1/min"
 "HeartRateMinimum": {
  "ScalarFrequency": {
   "Value": 0.001,
   "Unit": "1/min"
 "ExpiratoryReserveVolume": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 1.0542,
   "Unit": "L"
 "FunctionalResidualCapacity": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 2.259,
   "Unit": "L"
 "InspiratoryCapacity": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 3.765,
   "Unit": "L"
 "InspiratoryReserveVolume": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 3.2379000000000002,
   "Unit": "L"
 "ResidualVolume": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 1.2047999999999999,
   "Unit": "L"
 "TotalLungCapacity": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 6.024,
   "Unit": "L"
 "VitalCapacity": {
  "ScalarVolume": {
   "Value": 4.8192,
   "Unit": "L"

[INFO] [0(s)] Resetting Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from .
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging OnDisk Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating Circuits and Compartments
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Cardiovascular
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Renal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Tissue
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Gastrointestinal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up ECMO
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up External Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Internal Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Respiratory
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Anesthesia Machine
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up BagValveMask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Inhaler
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilation
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilator
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Nasal Cannula
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up NonRebreather Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Simple Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Gas Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Liquid Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Models
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning to patient parameters : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114 Diastolic(mmHg):73.5
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 77.18
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):112.189 Diastolic(mmHg):93.2097 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5178.87 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.21738 MAP(mmHg):103.441 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.52
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 117.5
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):119.941 Diastolic(mmHg):84.5573 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5169.56 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.21685 MAP(mmHg):103.241 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.4
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 187.22
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.217 Diastolic(mmHg):75.433 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5724.2 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.64713 MAP(mmHg):96.18 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.63
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 227.54
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):113.577 Diastolic(mmHg):74.384 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.12 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69915 MAP(mmHg):95.3675 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.81
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 245.18
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit (No Tissues). Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.32 Diastolic(mmHg):73.6137 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.77 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69983 MAP(mmHg):95.3694 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.89
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning Tissue resistances at 245.2s
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.00280274(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 1904.76(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -1.70593e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 13793.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -0.00438153(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 1235.08(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : -0.000279184(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 19607.8(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : -0.000433867(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 11111.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000116284(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000116284(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 2.55072e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 84210.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -0.0111085(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 689.655(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -6.69131e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 60606.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 2.71693e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 76190.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : -1.77893e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 6060.61(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : -3.38045e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 133333(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 265.22s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 285.24s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 8/13 paths at 305.26s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 6/13 paths at 325.28s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 3/13 paths at 345.3s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 1/13 paths at 365.32s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 0/13 paths at 385.34s
[INFO] [0(s)] Finalizing CV Circuit...
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned tissue circuit at 415.36s
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 476.19(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.0002154(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 1724.14(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -2.63534e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 617.541(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -6.45848e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 1225.49(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : 9.22884e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 347.222(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : 2.248e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000134679(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000134679(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 10526.3(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 1.19899e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 689.655(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -3.02859e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 3787.88(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -1.20933e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 9523.81(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 1.17324e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 189.394(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : 1.13533e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 2083.33(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)]   Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : 6.09652e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit with tissue resistances. Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.311 Diastolic(mmHg):73.606 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.92 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69886 MAP(mmHg):95.3607 BloodVolume(mL): 5491.49
[INFO] [0(s)] Cardiovascular Graph does not have cmpt Pericardium
[INFO] [0(s)] [Event Stabilizing 1]  Engine is stabilizing
[INFO] [10.02(s)] Converging System... it took 0.539s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [20.04(s)] Converging System... it took 0.529s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [27.1(s)] 27.1s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.374886, the last target value was 0.404409
[INFO] [30.06(s)] Converging System... it took 0.527s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [32.56(s)] 32.56s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.984407, the last target value was 0.986881
[INFO] [33.18(s)] 33.18s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.348417, the last target value was 0.374886
[INFO] [39.08(s)] 39.08s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.33209, the last target value was 0.348417
[INFO] [40.08(s)] Converging System... it took 0.538s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [40.12(s)] 40.12s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.981929, the last target value was 0.984407
[INFO] [44.56(s)] 44.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.324743, the last target value was 0.33209
[INFO] [47.7(s)] 47.7s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.979467, the last target value was 0.981929
[INFO] [50.1(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [54.18(s)] 54.18s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.331444, the last target value was 0.324743
[INFO] [56.06(s)] 56.06s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.977007, the last target value was 0.979467
[INFO] [58.52(s)] 58.52s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.347778, the last target value was 0.331444
[INFO] [60.12(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [62.74(s)] 62.74s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.376176, the last target value was 0.347778
[INFO] [67(s)] 67s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.417292, the last target value was 0.376176
[INFO] [70.14(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [71.4(s)] 71.4s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.465799, the last target value was 0.417292
[INFO] [76(s)] 76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.51092, the last target value was 0.465799
[INFO] [80.16(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [80.72(s)] 80.72s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.544507, the last target value was 0.51092
[INFO] [85.62(s)] 85.62s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.562283, the last target value was 0.544507
[INFO] [90.18(s)] Converging System... it took 0.531s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [90.6(s)] 90.6s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.564787, the last target value was 0.562283
[INFO] [95.66(s)] 95.66s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.55678, the last target value was 0.564787
[INFO] [100.2(s)] Converging System... it took 0.531s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [100.76(s)] 100.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.542207, the last target value was 0.55678
[INFO] [105.92(s)] 105.92s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.524609, the last target value was 0.542207
[INFO] [110.22(s)] Converging System... it took 0.53s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [111.08(s)] 111.08s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.50761, the last target value was 0.524609
[INFO] [116.22(s)] 116.22s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.493457, the last target value was 0.50761
[INFO] [120.24(s)] Converging System... it took 0.528s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [121.32(s)] 121.32s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.483372, the last target value was 0.493457
[INFO] [126.38(s)] 126.38s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.477863, the last target value was 0.483372
[INFO] [128.36(s)] 128.36s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.974561, the last target value was 0.977007
[INFO] [130.26(s)] Converging System... it took 0.529s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [136.34(s)] 136.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.479979, the last target value was 0.477863
[INFO] [140.28(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [141.26(s)] 141.26s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.486434, the last target value was 0.479979
[INFO] [146.16(s)] 146.16s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.495096, the last target value was 0.486434
[INFO] [150.3(s)] Converging System... it took 0.524s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [151.04(s)] 151.04s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.504643, the last target value was 0.495096
[INFO] [155.94(s)] 155.94s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.514105, the last target value was 0.504643
[INFO] [160.32(s)] Converging System... it took 0.54s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [160.86(s)] 160.86s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.522178, the last target value was 0.514105
[INFO] [165.8(s)] 165.8s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.527953, the last target value was 0.522178
[INFO] [170.34(s)] Converging System... it took 0.537s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [170.76(s)] 170.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.531117, the last target value was 0.527953
[INFO] [180.36(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [185.76(s)] 185.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.527757, the last target value was 0.531117
[INFO] [190.38(s)] Converging System... it took 0.527s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [190.78(s)] 190.78s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.524602, the last target value was 0.527757
[INFO] [195.8(s)] 195.8s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.521656, the last target value was 0.524602
[INFO] [200.4(s)] Converging System... it took 0.53s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [200.82(s)] 200.82s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.519441, the last target value was 0.521656
[INFO] [210.42(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [215.84(s)] We have passed required and optional convergence criteria.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Convergence took 11.5s to simulate 216s to get engine to a steady state
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Activating Chemoreceptors
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Activating Baroreceptors
[INFO] [215.84(s)] [Event Stabilizing 0]  Engine completed stabilizing
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : PupillaryResponse

[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for PupillaryResponse
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Executing Scenario
[INFO] [0(s)] [Action]
 "AdvanceTime": {
  "Action": {
   "Comment": ""
  "Time": {
   "ScalarTime": {
    "Value": 30,
    "Unit": "s",
    "ReadOnly": false

[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
 "PatientAction": {
  "SubstanceBolus": {
   "PatientAction": {
    "Action": {
     "Comment": ""
   "Substance": "Propofol",
   "AdministrationRoute": "Intravenous",
   "Concentration": {
    "ScalarMassPerVolume": {
     "Value": 20,
     "Unit": "mg/mL",
     "ReadOnly": false
   "Dose": {
    "ScalarVolume": {
     "Value": 20,
     "Unit": "mL",
     "ReadOnly": false

[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
 "PatientAction": {
  "SubstanceInfusion": {
   "PatientAction": {
    "Action": {
     "Comment": "Patient receives an infusion of Propofol"
   "Substance": "Propofol",
   "Concentration": {
    "ScalarMassPerVolume": {
     "Value": 20,
     "Unit": "mg/mL",
     "ReadOnly": false
   "Rate": {
    "ScalarVolumePerTime": {
     "Value": 35,
     "Unit": "mL/hr",
     "ReadOnly": false

[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
 "AdvanceTime": {
  "Action": {
   "Comment": ""
  "Time": {
   "ScalarTime": {
    "Value": 3000,
    "Unit": "s",
    "ReadOnly": false

[INFO] [30(s)] Defaulting bolus administration duration of Propofol to 2s
[INFO] [30.02(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [30.72(s)] [Event Bradycardia 1]  Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [31.8(s)] [Event Antidiuresis 1]  Patient has Antidiuresis
[INFO] [32.96(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [35.56(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [35.56(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [36.82(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [44.3(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [45.52(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [49.64(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [60(s)] Current Time is 60s, it took 3.538s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [61.72(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [63.08(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [66.06(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [78.52(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [81.22(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [82.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [84.28(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [93.52(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [120(s)] Current Time is 120s, it took 3.51s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [129.84(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [132.58(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [134.1(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [137.14(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [138.64(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [151.38(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [153.94(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [156.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [165.64(s)] [Event Hypoxia 1]  Patient has Hypoxia
[INFO] [169.24(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [170.4(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [177.44(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [178.56(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [180(s)] Current Time is 180s, it took 3.545s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [185.32(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [186.4(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [240(s)] Current Time is 240s, it took 3.574s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [260.28(s)] [Event Hypoxia 0]  Patient no longer has Hypoxia
[INFO] [262.88(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [289.12(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [290.34(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [294.34(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [300(s)] Current Time is 300s, it took 3.561s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [309.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [322.52(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [323.78(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [326.52(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [331.64(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [332.88(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [336.94(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [352.48(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [357.62(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [358.86(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [360(s)] Current Time is 360s, it took 3.576s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [362.94(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [377.2(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [382.36(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [384.88(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [387.68(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [400.56(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [401.84(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [404.62(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [413.76(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [418.94(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [420(s)] Current Time is 420s, it took 3.564s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [421.46(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [422.86(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated 
[INFO] [425.7(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [434.34(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [480(s)] Current Time is 480s, it took 3.525s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [515.62(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [524.74(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [536.92(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer 
[INFO] [540(s)] Current Time is 540s, it took 3.48s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [600(s)] Current Time is 600s, it took 3.462s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [660(s)] Current Time is 660s, it took 3.479s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [720(s)] Current Time is 720s, it took 3.445s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [780(s)] Current Time is 780s, it took 3.42s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [840(s)] Current Time is 840s, it took 3.416s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [854.86(s)] [Event Hypernatremia 1]  Patient has Hypernatremia
[INFO] [900(s)] Current Time is 900s, it took 3.4s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [956.94(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 92.1534 mmHg
[INFO] [960(s)] Current Time is 960s, it took 3.406s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1020(s)] Current Time is 1020s, it took 3.394s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1080(s)] Current Time is 1080s, it took 3.395s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1140(s)] Current Time is 1140s, it took 3.387s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1199.04(s)] Stomach is out of Sodium
[INFO] [1200(s)] Current Time is 1200s, it took 3.398s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1260(s)] Current Time is 1260s, it took 3.47s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1320(s)] Current Time is 1320s, it took 3.434s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1335.86(s)] [Event RenalHypoperfusion 1]  Patient has Renal Hypoperfusion
[INFO] [1376.96(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 87.2195 mmHg
[INFO] [1380(s)] Current Time is 1380s, it took 3.505s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1440(s)] Current Time is 1440s, it took 3.457s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1500(s)] Current Time is 1500s, it took 3.433s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1560(s)] Current Time is 1560s, it took 3.413s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1620(s)] Current Time is 1620s, it took 3.429s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1680(s)] Current Time is 1680s, it took 3.378s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1740(s)] Current Time is 1740s, it took 3.343s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1796.98(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 81.8301 mmHg
[INFO] [1800(s)] Current Time is 1800s, it took 3.345s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1860(s)] Current Time is 1860s, it took 3.343s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1920(s)] Current Time is 1920s, it took 3.36s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1980(s)] Current Time is 1980s, it took 3.354s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2040(s)] Current Time is 2040s, it took 3.374s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2100(s)] Current Time is 2100s, it took 3.383s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2160(s)] Current Time is 2160s, it took 3.368s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2217(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 78.4653 mmHg
[INFO] [2220(s)] Current Time is 2220s, it took 3.387s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2280(s)] Current Time is 2280s, it took 3.372s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2340(s)] Current Time is 2340s, it took 3.361s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2400(s)] Current Time is 2400s, it took 3.389s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2460(s)] Current Time is 2460s, it took 3.443s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2520(s)] Current Time is 2520s, it took 3.397s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2580(s)] Current Time is 2580s, it took 3.388s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2637.02(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 75.566 mmHg
[INFO] [2640(s)] Current Time is 2640s, it took 3.39s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2700(s)] Current Time is 2700s, it took 3.368s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2760(s)] Current Time is 2760s, it took 3.432s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2820(s)] Current Time is 2820s, it took 3.458s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2880(s)] Current Time is 2880s, it took 3.431s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2940(s)] Current Time is 2940s, it took 3.372s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [3000(s)] Current Time is 3000s, it took 3.393s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [3030(s)] It took 173.156s to run this simulation
[INFO] [3030(s)] [Final SimTime] 3030(s)
[INFO] [3030(s)] [Expected Final SimTime] 3030(s)

No, I’m not adding fentynal.

I’m using python. Could that be a cause?

When you run, what git hash are you getting at the start?

[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : 09c0dc4c7

Oh I see. Mine is different.

[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : b5ef23de0

I did use the following command to clone though.
git clone -b feature/ventilator_updates

Seems like that should have worked…

But the build does not seem to reflect that…

Let me try cloning and building again.

Easy way to check the code you pulled is to look at this file