Are you adding fentynal?
This is my log, with no fatals
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/StandardDataRequests.json
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/DrugDataRequests.json
[WARN] [0(s)] Ignoring duplicate data request:
[WARN] [0(s)] Ignoring duplicate data request:
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging DataRequest File: C:/Programming/Pulse/engine/data/human/adult/scenarios/NervousDataRequests.json
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating CSV File : ./test_results/scenarios//drug/PropofolResults.csv
[INFO] [0(s)] Clearing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing engine
[INFO] [0(s)] Human Adult Whole Body
[INFO] [0(s)] Version : 4.2.1
[INFO] [0(s)] GitHash : 09c0dc4c7
[INFO] [0(s)] Build Time : Thu Jun 20 20:05:39 2024
[INFO] [0(s)] Looking for files in .
[INFO] [0(s)] [Provided Patient] Name: "StandardMale"
Age {
ScalarTime {
Value: 44
Unit: "yr"
Weight {
ScalarMass {
Value: 170
Unit: "lb"
Height {
ScalarLength {
Value: 71
Unit: "in"
BodyFatFraction {
Scalar0To1 {
Value: 0.21
DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 73.5
Unit: "mmHg"
HeartRateBaseline {
ScalarFrequency {
Value: 72
Unit: "1/min"
RespirationRateBaseline {
ScalarFrequency {
Value: 12
Unit: "1/min"
SystolicArterialPressureBaseline {
ScalarPressure {
Value: 114
Unit: "mmHg"
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient ideal body weight computed and set to 75.3 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient lean body mass computed and set to 60.9175 kg.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient body density computed and set to 1.05052 g/cm^3.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate maximum set. Using a computed value of 177.2 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient heart rate minimum set. Using a default value of 0.001 bpm.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient blood volume baseline set. Using a computed value of 5517.73 mL.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient right lung ratio set. Using the standard value of 0.525.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient total lung capacity set. Using a computed value of 6.024 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient functional residual capacity set. Using a computed value of 2.259 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient residual volume set. Using a computed value of 1.2048 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient tidal volume computed and set to 0.5271 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient vital capacity computed and set to 4.8192 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient expiratory reserve volume computed and set to 1.0542 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory reserve volume computed and set to 3.2379 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Patient inspiratory capacity computed and set to 3.765 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient alveoli surface area set. Using a computed value of 68.3436 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient skin surface area set. Using a computed value of 1.96812 m^2.
[INFO] [0(s)] No patient basal metabolic rate set. Using a computed value of 1737.35 kcal/day.
[INFO] [0(s)] [Patient]
"Name": "StandardMale",
"Age": {
"ScalarTime": {
"Value": 44,
"Unit": "yr"
"Weight": {
"ScalarMass": {
"Value": 170,
"Unit": "lb"
"Height": {
"ScalarLength": {
"Value": 71,
"Unit": "in"
"BodyDensity": {
"ScalarMassPerVolume": {
"Value": 1.0505236628887222,
"Unit": "g/cm^3"
"BodyFatFraction": {
"Scalar0To1": {
"Value": 0.21
"BodyMassIndex": {
"Value": 23.70994416557371
"LeanBodyMass": {
"ScalarMass": {
"Value": 60.91745529100001,
"Unit": "kg"
"IdealBodyWeight": {
"ScalarMass": {
"Value": 75.3,
"Unit": "kg"
"AlveoliSurfaceArea": {
"ScalarArea": {
"Value": 68.343598055105346,
"Unit": "m^2"
"RightLungRatio": {
"Scalar0To1": {
"Value": 0.525
"SkinSurfaceArea": {
"ScalarArea": {
"Value": 1.968118127917069,
"Unit": "m^2"
"BasalMetabolicRate": {
"ScalarPower": {
"Value": 1737.3477467513003,
"Unit": "kcal/day"
"BloodVolumeBaseline": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 5517.734437810328,
"Unit": "mL"
"DiastolicArterialPressureBaseline": {
"ScalarPressure": {
"Value": 73.5,
"Unit": "mmHg"
"HeartRateBaseline": {
"ScalarFrequency": {
"Value": 72,
"Unit": "1/min"
"MeanArterialPressureBaseline": {
"ScalarPressure": {
"Value": 87,
"Unit": "mmHg"
"PulsePressureBaseline": {
"ScalarPressure": {
"Value": 40.5,
"Unit": "mmHg"
"RespirationRateBaseline": {
"ScalarFrequency": {
"Value": 12,
"Unit": "1/min"
"SystolicArterialPressureBaseline": {
"ScalarPressure": {
"Value": 114,
"Unit": "mmHg"
"TidalVolumeBaseline": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 0.5270999999999999,
"Unit": "L"
"HeartRateMaximum": {
"ScalarFrequency": {
"Value": 177.2,
"Unit": "1/min"
"HeartRateMinimum": {
"ScalarFrequency": {
"Value": 0.001,
"Unit": "1/min"
"ExpiratoryReserveVolume": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 1.0542,
"Unit": "L"
"FunctionalResidualCapacity": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 2.259,
"Unit": "L"
"InspiratoryCapacity": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 3.765,
"Unit": "L"
"InspiratoryReserveVolume": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 3.2379000000000002,
"Unit": "L"
"ResidualVolume": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 1.2047999999999999,
"Unit": "L"
"TotalLungCapacity": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 6.024,
"Unit": "L"
"VitalCapacity": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 4.8192,
"Unit": "L"
[INFO] [0(s)] Resetting Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Reading substance files from .
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Merging OnDisk Configuration
[INFO] [0(s)] Creating Circuits and Compartments
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Cardiovascular
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Renal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Tissue
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Gastrointestinal
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up ECMO
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up External Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Internal Temperature
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Respiratory
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Anesthesia Machine
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up BagValveMask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Inhaler
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilation
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up MechanicalVentilator
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Nasal Cannula
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up NonRebreather Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Setting Up Simple Mask
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Gas Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Liquid Substances
[INFO] [0(s)] Initializing Models
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning to patient parameters : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114 Diastolic(mmHg):73.5
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 77.18
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):112.189 Diastolic(mmHg):93.2097 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5178.87 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.21738 MAP(mmHg):103.441 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.52
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 117.5
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):119.941 Diastolic(mmHg):84.5573 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5169.56 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.21685 MAP(mmHg):103.241 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.4
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 187.22
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.217 Diastolic(mmHg):75.433 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5724.2 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.64713 MAP(mmHg):96.18 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.63
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 227.54
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning paths, Current values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):113.577 Diastolic(mmHg):74.384 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.12 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69915 MAP(mmHg):95.3675 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.81
[INFO] [0(s)] We are stable at 245.18
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit (No Tissues). Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.32 Diastolic(mmHg):73.6137 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.77 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69983 MAP(mmHg):95.3694 BloodVolume(mL): 5493.89
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning Tissue resistances at 245.2s
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.00280274(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 1904.76(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -1.70593e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 13793.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -0.00438153(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 1235.08(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : -0.000279184(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 19607.8(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : -0.000433867(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 11111.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000116284(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000116284(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 2.55072e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 84210.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -0.0111085(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 689.655(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -6.69131e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 60606.1(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 2.71693e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 76190.5(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : -1.77893e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 6060.61(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : -3.38045e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Initial SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 133333(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 265.22s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 9/13 paths at 285.24s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 8/13 paths at 305.26s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 6/13 paths at 325.28s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 3/13 paths at 345.3s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 1/13 paths at 365.32s
[INFO] [0(s)] Tuning 0/13 paths at 385.34s
[INFO] [0(s)] Finalizing CV Circuit...
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned tissue circuit at 415.36s
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Resistance : 476.19(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BoneT2ToBoneT1 Flow : -0.0002154(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Resistance : 1724.14(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final BrainT2ToBrainT1 Flow : -2.63534e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Resistance : 617.541(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final FatT2ToFatT1 Flow : -6.45848e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Resistance : 1225.49(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final GutT2ToGutT1 Flow : 9.22884e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Resistance : 347.222(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LiverT2ToLiverT1 Flow : 2.248e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftKidneyT2ToLeftKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000134679(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Resistance : 129032(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightKidneyT2ToRightKidneyT1 Flow : 0.000134679(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Resistance : 10526.3(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final LeftLungT2ToLeftLungT1 Flow : 1.19899e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Resistance : 689.655(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MuscleT2ToMuscleT1 Flow : -3.02859e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Resistance : 3787.88(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final MyocardiumT2ToMyocardiumT1 Flow : -1.20933e-06(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Resistance : 9523.81(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final RightLungT2ToRightLungT1 Flow : 1.17324e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Resistance : 189.394(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SkinT2ToSkinT1 Flow : 1.13533e-05(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Resistance : 2083.33(mmHg s/mL)
[INFO] [0(s)] Final SpleenT2ToSpleenT1 Flow : 6.09652e-07(mL/s)
[INFO] [0(s)] Successfully tuned circuit with tissue resistances. Final values : HeartRate(bpm):72 Systolic(mmHg):114.311 Diastolic(mmHg):73.606 Cardiac Output(mL/min):5791.92 Mean CVP(mmHg):4.69886 MAP(mmHg):95.3607 BloodVolume(mL): 5491.49
[INFO] [0(s)] Cardiovascular Graph does not have cmpt Pericardium
[INFO] [0(s)] [Event Stabilizing 1] Engine is stabilizing
[INFO] [10.02(s)] Converging System... it took 0.539s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [20.04(s)] Converging System... it took 0.529s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [27.1(s)] 27.1s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.374886, the last target value was 0.404409
[INFO] [30.06(s)] Converging System... it took 0.527s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [32.56(s)] 32.56s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.984407, the last target value was 0.986881
[INFO] [33.18(s)] 33.18s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.348417, the last target value was 0.374886
[INFO] [39.08(s)] 39.08s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.33209, the last target value was 0.348417
[INFO] [40.08(s)] Converging System... it took 0.538s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [40.12(s)] 40.12s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.981929, the last target value was 0.984407
[INFO] [44.56(s)] 44.56s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.324743, the last target value was 0.33209
[INFO] [47.7(s)] 47.7s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.979467, the last target value was 0.981929
[INFO] [50.1(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [54.18(s)] 54.18s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.331444, the last target value was 0.324743
[INFO] [56.06(s)] 56.06s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.977007, the last target value was 0.979467
[INFO] [58.52(s)] 58.52s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.347778, the last target value was 0.331444
[INFO] [60.12(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [62.74(s)] 62.74s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.376176, the last target value was 0.347778
[INFO] [67(s)] 67s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.417292, the last target value was 0.376176
[INFO] [70.14(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [71.4(s)] 71.4s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.465799, the last target value was 0.417292
[INFO] [76(s)] 76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.51092, the last target value was 0.465799
[INFO] [80.16(s)] Converging System... it took 0.536s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [80.72(s)] 80.72s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.544507, the last target value was 0.51092
[INFO] [85.62(s)] 85.62s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.562283, the last target value was 0.544507
[INFO] [90.18(s)] Converging System... it took 0.531s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [90.6(s)] 90.6s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.564787, the last target value was 0.562283
[INFO] [95.66(s)] 95.66s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.55678, the last target value was 0.564787
[INFO] [100.2(s)] Converging System... it took 0.531s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [100.76(s)] 100.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.542207, the last target value was 0.55678
[INFO] [105.92(s)] 105.92s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.524609, the last target value was 0.542207
[INFO] [110.22(s)] Converging System... it took 0.53s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [111.08(s)] 111.08s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.50761, the last target value was 0.524609
[INFO] [116.22(s)] 116.22s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.493457, the last target value was 0.50761
[INFO] [120.24(s)] Converging System... it took 0.528s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [121.32(s)] 121.32s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.483372, the last target value was 0.493457
[INFO] [126.38(s)] 126.38s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.477863, the last target value was 0.483372
[INFO] [128.36(s)] 128.36s - Resetting the target for OxygenSaturation to 0.974561, the last target value was 0.977007
[INFO] [130.26(s)] Converging System... it took 0.529s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [136.34(s)] 136.34s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.479979, the last target value was 0.477863
[INFO] [140.28(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [141.26(s)] 141.26s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.486434, the last target value was 0.479979
[INFO] [146.16(s)] 146.16s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.495096, the last target value was 0.486434
[INFO] [150.3(s)] Converging System... it took 0.524s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [151.04(s)] 151.04s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.504643, the last target value was 0.495096
[INFO] [155.94(s)] 155.94s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.514105, the last target value was 0.504643
[INFO] [160.32(s)] Converging System... it took 0.54s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [160.86(s)] 160.86s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.522178, the last target value was 0.514105
[INFO] [165.8(s)] 165.8s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.527953, the last target value was 0.522178
[INFO] [170.34(s)] Converging System... it took 0.537s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [170.76(s)] 170.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.531117, the last target value was 0.527953
[INFO] [180.36(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [185.76(s)] 185.76s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.527757, the last target value was 0.531117
[INFO] [190.38(s)] Converging System... it took 0.527s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [190.78(s)] 190.78s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.524602, the last target value was 0.527757
[INFO] [195.8(s)] 195.8s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.521656, the last target value was 0.524602
[INFO] [200.4(s)] Converging System... it took 0.53s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [200.82(s)] 200.82s - Resetting the target for TidalVolume to 0.519441, the last target value was 0.521656
[INFO] [210.42(s)] Converging System... it took 0.532s to simulate the past 10s
[INFO] [215.84(s)] We have passed required and optional convergence criteria.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Convergence took 11.5s to simulate 216s to get engine to a steady state
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Initial Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Activating Chemoreceptors
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Secondary Stabilization Homeostasis: Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [215.84(s)] Activating Baroreceptors
[INFO] [215.84(s)] [Event Stabilizing 0] Engine completed stabilizing
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unhandled data request : PupillaryResponse
[ERROR] [0(s)] Unable to find data for PupillaryResponse
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient heart rate = 72(1/min)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient diastolic arterial pressure = 73.5876(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient systolic arterial pressure = 114.258(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient mean arterial pressure = 95.3258(mmHg)
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient tidal volume = 0.519301 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Starting Patient inspiratory reserve volume = 3.2457 L.
[INFO] [0(s)] Executing Scenario
[INFO] [0(s)] [Action]
"AdvanceTime": {
"Action": {
"Comment": ""
"Time": {
"ScalarTime": {
"Value": 30,
"Unit": "s",
"ReadOnly": false
[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
"PatientAction": {
"SubstanceBolus": {
"PatientAction": {
"Action": {
"Comment": ""
"Substance": "Propofol",
"AdministrationRoute": "Intravenous",
"Concentration": {
"ScalarMassPerVolume": {
"Value": 20,
"Unit": "mg/mL",
"ReadOnly": false
"Dose": {
"ScalarVolume": {
"Value": 20,
"Unit": "mL",
"ReadOnly": false
[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
"PatientAction": {
"SubstanceInfusion": {
"PatientAction": {
"Action": {
"Comment": "Patient receives an infusion of Propofol"
"Substance": "Propofol",
"Concentration": {
"ScalarMassPerVolume": {
"Value": 20,
"Unit": "mg/mL",
"ReadOnly": false
"Rate": {
"ScalarVolumePerTime": {
"Value": 35,
"Unit": "mL/hr",
"ReadOnly": false
[INFO] [30(s)] [Action]
"AdvanceTime": {
"Action": {
"Comment": ""
"Time": {
"ScalarTime": {
"Value": 3000,
"Unit": "s",
"ReadOnly": false
[INFO] [30(s)] Defaulting bolus administration duration of Propofol to 2s
[INFO] [30.02(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [30.72(s)] [Event Bradycardia 1] Patient has Bradycardia
[INFO] [31.8(s)] [Event Antidiuresis 1] Patient has Antidiuresis
[INFO] [32.96(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [35.56(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [35.56(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [36.82(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [44.3(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [45.52(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [49.64(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [60(s)] Current Time is 60s, it took 3.538s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [61.72(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [63.08(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [66.06(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [78.52(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [81.22(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [82.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [84.28(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [93.52(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [120(s)] Current Time is 120s, it took 3.51s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [129.84(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [132.58(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [134.1(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [137.14(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [138.64(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [151.38(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [153.94(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [156.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [165.64(s)] [Event Hypoxia 1] Patient has Hypoxia
[INFO] [169.24(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [170.4(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [177.44(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [178.56(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [180(s)] Current Time is 180s, it took 3.545s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [185.32(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [186.4(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [240(s)] Current Time is 240s, it took 3.574s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [260.28(s)] [Event Hypoxia 0] Patient no longer has Hypoxia
[INFO] [262.88(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [289.12(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [290.34(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [294.34(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [300(s)] Current Time is 300s, it took 3.561s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [309.74(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [322.52(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [323.78(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [326.52(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [331.64(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [332.88(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [336.94(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [352.48(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [357.62(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [358.86(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [360(s)] Current Time is 360s, it took 3.576s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [362.94(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [377.2(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [382.36(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [384.88(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [387.68(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [400.56(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [401.84(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [404.62(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [413.76(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [418.94(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [420(s)] Current Time is 420s, it took 3.564s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [421.46(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [422.86(s)] Baroreceptors Saturated
[INFO] [425.7(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [434.34(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [480(s)] Current Time is 480s, it took 3.525s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [515.62(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [524.74(s)] Stopping Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [536.92(s)] Starting Baroreceptor timer
[INFO] [540(s)] Current Time is 540s, it took 3.48s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [600(s)] Current Time is 600s, it took 3.462s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [660(s)] Current Time is 660s, it took 3.479s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [720(s)] Current Time is 720s, it took 3.445s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [780(s)] Current Time is 780s, it took 3.42s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [840(s)] Current Time is 840s, it took 3.416s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [854.86(s)] [Event Hypernatremia 1] Patient has Hypernatremia
[INFO] [900(s)] Current Time is 900s, it took 3.4s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [956.94(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 92.1534 mmHg
[INFO] [960(s)] Current Time is 960s, it took 3.406s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1020(s)] Current Time is 1020s, it took 3.394s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1080(s)] Current Time is 1080s, it took 3.395s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1140(s)] Current Time is 1140s, it took 3.387s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1199.04(s)] Stomach is out of Sodium
[INFO] [1200(s)] Current Time is 1200s, it took 3.398s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1260(s)] Current Time is 1260s, it took 3.47s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1320(s)] Current Time is 1320s, it took 3.434s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1335.86(s)] [Event RenalHypoperfusion 1] Patient has Renal Hypoperfusion
[INFO] [1376.96(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 87.2195 mmHg
[INFO] [1380(s)] Current Time is 1380s, it took 3.505s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1440(s)] Current Time is 1440s, it took 3.457s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1500(s)] Current Time is 1500s, it took 3.433s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1560(s)] Current Time is 1560s, it took 3.413s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1620(s)] Current Time is 1620s, it took 3.429s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1680(s)] Current Time is 1680s, it took 3.378s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1740(s)] Current Time is 1740s, it took 3.343s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1796.98(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 81.8301 mmHg
[INFO] [1800(s)] Current Time is 1800s, it took 3.345s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1860(s)] Current Time is 1860s, it took 3.343s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1920(s)] Current Time is 1920s, it took 3.36s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [1980(s)] Current Time is 1980s, it took 3.354s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2040(s)] Current Time is 2040s, it took 3.374s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2100(s)] Current Time is 2100s, it took 3.383s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2160(s)] Current Time is 2160s, it took 3.368s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2217(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 78.4653 mmHg
[INFO] [2220(s)] Current Time is 2220s, it took 3.387s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2280(s)] Current Time is 2280s, it took 3.372s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2340(s)] Current Time is 2340s, it took 3.361s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2400(s)] Current Time is 2400s, it took 3.389s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2460(s)] Current Time is 2460s, it took 3.443s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2520(s)] Current Time is 2520s, it took 3.397s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2580(s)] Current Time is 2580s, it took 3.388s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2637.02(s)] Baroreceptor MAP Baseline updated to 75.566 mmHg
[INFO] [2640(s)] Current Time is 2640s, it took 3.39s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2700(s)] Current Time is 2700s, it took 3.368s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2760(s)] Current Time is 2760s, it took 3.432s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2820(s)] Current Time is 2820s, it took 3.458s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2880(s)] Current Time is 2880s, it took 3.431s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [2940(s)] Current Time is 2940s, it took 3.372s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [3000(s)] Current Time is 3000s, it took 3.393s to simulate the past 60s
[INFO] [3030(s)] It took 173.156s to run this simulation
[INFO] [3030(s)] [Final SimTime] 3030(s)
[INFO] [3030(s)] [Expected Final SimTime] 3030(s)