VIAME Toolkit and DIVE Desktop Install: "Kiwver failed to initialise"


I am in the process of installing the full toolkit to a windows 10 machine, I have extracted and copied the binaries into the C drive recomended install folder (C:\Program Files\VIAME). however when I launch the DIVE Desktop and take a look at settings, the following message appears in the Platform Support section:

“Could not initialize kwiver: kwiver failed to initialize”

When trying to run an esample pipeline (i.e. camtrawl detector) I can load the image sequence, however i get the following error message in the DIVE GUI:

Pipeline Incomplete
Pipeline: camtrawl
either failed or was cancelled by the user

The following also shows in the cmd.exe window:

C:\Users\jh11\VIAME_DATA\DIVE_Jobs\left_camtrawl_03-25-2024_05-48-19.414>SET KWIVER_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL=info
INFO: Could not load default logger factory. Using built-in logger.
Process exited with code 3221225477: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe

Could you possibly point out where I might be going wrong please?

Many thanks


@jonhawes9 Did you resolve this issue? Having the same error msg (kwiver failed to initialize)

Issues like these are typically:

(1) The user permissions on the installer itself or extracted folder are too high on Windows, preventing it from running
(2) The .zip file download was incomplete, and thus extracting it only extraced some files
(3) You just downloaded the DIVE standalone binaries only containing the annotation user interface, not any of the algorithms in the full VIAME package

If it’s none of the above and you are still facing issues, please reach out to the email help list ( to have a screen-share or related