Right now CMB 6 develop is using a generic icon so we need to figure what the final icon for this release would look like. Here are some ideas:
General File

Disk Storage

A is for Attribute


If we used the CMB logo for model builder we could use model builder’s for attribute?

Something like this (for asset tagging) but with something like the “Analysis” histogram from above on the tag?
I would reserve the General File icon concept. I think we will eventually need to represent “generic file” with an icon. I would avoid using the database cylinder for the same reason.
For what it’s worth I like the simple tag feature TJ showed. Simple and clear.
Hi All,
It looks like Tag icon is in the lead!
Some additional suggestions.
A simpler tag?


Resembling boundary conditions?
Robert M. O’Bara, MEng.
Assistant Director of Scientific Computing
Kitware Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Suite 101
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Phone: (518) 881- 4931